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2019 Victorian School Design Awards – Fairfield Primary School

2019 victorian school design awards - fleetwood australia

Fleetwood and NBRS Architecture

Last week on November 7th, the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) held the 2019 Victorian School Design Awards. The awards recognise the role architects are playing in making Victoria a world leader in school design, providing an incentive for driving design excellence, while showcasing best practice designs to inspire other schools planning similar projects.

Judged for the innovation, creativity and practicality a project has brought to designing new, or modernising existing, Victorian public schools. Fleetwood were extremely honoured to have been announced as winners for this year’s best Primary School project.

Designed in collaboration with NBRS Architecture, the permanent modular building at Fairfield Primary School was designed and delivered to house the school’s grade five and six students as the school looked to tie in an architecturally aesthetic building to their existing heritage listed facilities.

It was great to see the success of the Permanent Modular School Building program acknowledged with two of the three finalists for best Primary School projects coming from this mode of construction.

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